Archives for Conferences and Meetings

Johannes at the 2016 Theory and Applications of Computational Chemistry conference in Seattle

Johannes is currently out in Seattle for the 2016 Theory and Applications of Computational Chemistry (TACC) conference. He will give an invited talk titled “A Software ecosystem for the data-driven design of chemical systems and the exploration of chemical space” on Wednesday and Chair a session on “Excited States” on Tuesday.
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Categories: Conferences and Meetings and News.

Atif, Mojtaba, Yudhajit, and Johannes at the 252nd ACS National Meeting in Philadelphia

Atif, Mojtaba, Yudhajit, and Johannes are heading out to Philadelphia today at the 252nd ACS National Meeting. The group has a busy program with the following events: Sun (Aug 21), 9:30am – 9:45am, Maestro A/DoubleTree: ACS PHYS “Accelerating discovery: Citizen science, big data and machine learning for physical chemistry”, Johannes (session intro talk) Sun (Aug 21), 11:00am – 11:30am, Benton/Sonesta: ACS COMP “ChemLG – A smart and massively parallel molecular library generator”, Atif (talk) Sun (Aug 21), 1:30pm – 2:00pm, Warhol/Sonesta: ACS COMP “A Software ecosystem for the data-driven design of chemical systems and the exploration of chemical space”, Johannes
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Categories: Conferences and Meetings and News.