Archives for Team

Atif defends PhD dissertation, becomes 1st PhD of the group

Mohammad Atif Faiz Afzal gave his PhD dissertation defense titled “From Virtual High-Throughput Screening and Machine Learning to the Discovery and Rational Design of Polymers for Optical Applications” today, has thus completed all his degree requirements, and is now the very first PhD coming out of the group!!! Congrats, Atif! Awesome job – we are very proud of you! Atif will stay on with the group for a few more weeks until he starts his new position as a postdoc with Schrodinger Inc in Portland (OR).
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Categories: Graduation, Milestones, News, and Team.

Vigneshwar defends his MSc thesis, becomes 7th MSc/MEng of the group

Vigneshwar Kumaran Sudalayandi Rajeswari passed his thesis defense titled “First-Principles Modeling of Polymer Degradation Kinetics and Virtual High-Throughput Screening of Candidates for Biodegradable Polymers” today and is now the 3rd MSc coming out of the group. Congrats, Vigneshwar, good job! Vigneshwar will stay on with the group for at least another few weeks to finish up some work and plan for his next adventures, so it’s not quite time yet to say goodbye.
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Categories: Graduation, Milestones, News, and Team.

Sykhere’s last day in the group as he leaves for Singapore

Sykhere had his last day in the lab today. Originally, the plan was that he would stay with the group beyond his LSAMP Summer Research Internship, but he had the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a student exchange to Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, which he could not miss out on. We hope he will rejoin the group when he is back in a year. In the meantime we wish him all the best for his adventures abroad!
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Categories: News and Team.

Sykhere Brown joins the group as undergraduate No 12, sponsored by LSAMP Summer Research Internship

Sykhere Brown, a veteran of Johannes’ CE 451 Computer-Aided Research class, joins the group as its 12th undergraduate research assistant. Sykhere will work with Mojtaba on machine learning problems, in particular on devising techniques to assess the range of applicability of data-derived models. His stay in the group during the summer is sponsored by an LSAMP Summer Research Internship. The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program seeks to diversify the STEM workforce by significantly increasing the numbers of students that successfully complete high-quality degree programs in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. Particular emphasis is placed
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Categories: Awards, Initiatives and Outreach, News, and Team.

Yujie defends her thesis, becomes 4th MSc/MEng of the group

Yujie Tian passed her thesis defense titled “Inheritance of Molecular Orbital Energies from Monomer Building Blocks to Larger Copolymers in Organic Semiconductors” today and is now the 2nd MSc coming out of the group. Congrats, Yujie! Yujie will stay on with the group until October to finish up some work and plan for her next adventures, so it’s not quite time yet to say goodbye.
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Categories: Graduation, Milestones, News, and Team.

Bill completes MEng degree requirements, becomes 3rd MSc/MEng of the group

Today was Bill Evangelista’s last day in the group before he goes off for his new job in the real world, i.e., as a Solutions Engineer at Iconics (a company that develops industrial automation software). Earlier in the day, he gave his last group meeting on the most recent revision of ChemHTPS, which he had been spearheading for the past 1.5 years. Bill is the 2nd MEng student to leave the group. Thanks for all your outstanding work, Bill, and all the best for your future endeavors! Godspeed and come by whenever you are in town!
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Categories: Graduation, Milestones, News, and Team.

Ching-Yen defends his MSc thesis, becomes 2nd MSc/MEng of the group

Ching-Yen Shih passed his thesis defense titled “Systematic Trends in Results from Different Density Functional Theory Models” today and is now the 2nd MSc/MEng coming out of the group. Congrats, Ching-Yen, great job! Ching-Yen will stay on with the group until Mid-October to finish up some work and plan for his next adventures, so it’s not quite time yet to say goodbye.
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Categories: Graduation, Milestones, News, and Team.